
Hello, I am sandy, a front-end developer

I have several years of experience working with JavaScript, TypeScript, and SCSS. I am comfortable with vanilla JavaScript and have experience using popular frameworks such as React and Vue. I have also worked with TypeScript, which has become increasingly popular in the JavaScript community for its ability to add static typing to JavaScript. In addition, I have extensive experience using SCSS to create maintainable and scalable CSS. I am familiar with the principles of responsive design and have experience using CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation. Overall, I am confident in my ability to write clean, maintainable code in JavaScript, TypeScript, and SCSS, and I am always looking to learn more and improve my skills.

My Skills


2018 - 2021

diploma Degree

Technical Computer Colleges

June 2023

Advanced React

Meta at Coursera

June 2023


build responsive website using HTML / CSS / Bootstrap

1/2023 - Now

Front-end Freelancer

Brain Socket

7/2022 - 12/2022

Front-end developer

Qtech technology

3/2022 - 8/2022

Front-end developer

Deep Blu Technology

3/2021 - 3/2022

Front-end developer

ALDR technology

Recent Work

maranello Restaurant website

Get In Touch

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